Sleep-deprived Stress-out Maman needs more shoes

One of the common themes in my blog is no great stretch to the imagination as I am like all writers: we write what we know.  I'm not saying I know all there is about parenting, but I've definitely jumped off the deep end at a time when most of my generation are celebrating the near exit of their little ones out of the house and fearing the appearance of grandkids before they are ready.  No, I'm no expert, but I do spend all my time being a parent to our two little social experiments, our little girls Greta Jo and Clara Lou.  I eek in starting my law practice, living my own life, tending to my marriage and relationships with family and friends, none of which seems to get the attention they deserve as multi-tasking starts taking on new meaning.

How do I cope?  Shoes.  New shoes.  Old shoes. Boots. Stilettos. Ballet flats. Sandals. Strappy incredibly high heals. The list goes on and on.  And, like the rest of my wardrobe, the bulk of them are merely varieties on a theme of black.

In keeping with the wide variety of shoes, so go my observations.  I write with little recollection of what I've previously written, and as I loose REM sleep regularly, I am finding I remember less and less.  In an attempt to combat this, here's where I'll index my writing on family, maintaining as much sanity as I can muster and how.  Balance, as I am apt to share, is not about an static equilibrium, but acknowledging when somethin's gotta give.

Life Rules
  Number 1: Pee before you have to.
  Number 2: It's all part of the adventure.
  Number 3: There are no mistakes in the kitchen; just new recipes you might not want to make ever again.
  Number 4: Laugh first.
  Number 5: Don't complain to Maman, especially when she's been nice to you.  Just as no one is allowed to complain of what's for dinner to the cook (chiefly Maman), but may quietly go eat a bowl of cereal later.
  Number 6: Feel, but don't wallow. Maman speaks on Sorrow.
  Number 7: Eat your dinner.
  Number 8: Measure twice, cut once.
  Number 9: Don't despair, reinvent the recipe.
  Number 10: à votre santé! - sometimes it's okay when it isn't okay.

Rules 1-3 are also found in the post about Family.